Kentucky Genealogy

Kentucky Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Kentucky ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Kentucky history.

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The State of Kentucky is situated between 36 degrees 30 minutes, and 39 degrees 10 minutes, north latitude; and between 81 degrees 50 minutes, and 89 degrees 26 minutes, west longitude — and includes all that portion of territory which lies south and westward of a line, beginning on the Ohio river, at the mouth of the Great Sandy river, and running up the same, and the main and north-easterly branch thereof, to the great Laurel ridge or Cumberland mountains; thence south-west along said mountains, to a line of North Carolina. It is bounded north by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio; east by Virginia; south by Tennessee; and west by the Mississippi river and State of Missouri. It is three hundred miles in length from east to west, and one hundred and fifty miles in mean breadth; and contains 42,600 square miles, or about twenty-seven million acres.

Kentucky County Genealogy

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The Kentucky Military Institute

The Kentucky Military Institute, established in 1845, was a renowned private military school known for its rigorous curriculum and strict discipline. After the Civil War, it transitioned to prepare students for professional careers. The school faced financial troubles and closed in 1887 but reopened the following year. It later moved from Frankfort to Mt. Sterling and then to Jefferson County. Dissatisfaction with the military and financial difficulties led to its final closure in 1971.

History of Cedar Run Kentucky

This article provides information about the Cedar Run area in Franklin County, Kentucky. It discusses early settlers, churches in the area, and various burying grounds and graveyards, including their locations and notable features. It also contains a table of the 1870 landowners of Cedar Run, including Farmdale, Alton & portion of Bridgeport.

History of Bridgeport Kentucky

Bridgeport, a residential area near Frankfort, Kentucky, was once a thriving town with covered bridges, taverns, and a bustling general store. Today, only a few remnants remain of its vibrant past, as modern life blends with the historic structures. Founded in the 18th century by James Harrod, Bridgeport’s rich history encompasses land acquisitions, stagecoach lines, and the establishment of a post office. Though the town has transformed, it still carries echoes of its bygone era, offering a glimpse into Kentucky’s captivating past.

History of Bald Knob Kentucky

The article provides a brief overview of various communities within the Bald Knob area in Kentucky. It describes the early settlers who migrated to the region and their self-reliant nature. The area experienced population growth in recent years, attracting young families. The article also mentions specific locations, such as Flag Fork, Bailey’s Mill, Flat Creek, Polsgrove Landing, Stoney Creek, and Honeysuckle, along with some historical figures and graveyards associated with these areas.

Breckenridge County Will Index: 1966-1975

The Breckenridge County Will Index is an index of will records for Breckenridge County, Kentucky for the years of 1966-1975 as found in book 4 of the Kentucky State Archives microfilm roll #7005267.

Breckenridge County Will Index: 1934-1968

The Breckenridge County Will Index is an index of will records for Breckenridge County, Kentucky for the years of 1934-1968 as found in book 3 of the Kentucky State Archives microfilm roll #7005267.
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