Will of William Anderson, 1878

This Indenture made this 24th April and year of Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight. William Anderson’s Will and Testament.

First, I give and bequeath to my son Willson G. Anderson two thirds of my real estate and he is to take care of the family that is his mother’s lifetime [sic].

Second, I give and bequeath the remainder of my estate to my beloved wife Nancy J. Anderson [during] her life, and [at] her death the same is bequeathed to my daughter July An Anderson.

Third, I give [and] bequeath to my son Elijah J. Anderson fifty dollars, this being one half of what he owes me for a mule that I sold to him for one hundred dollars.

Fourth, I give and bequeath to my three oldest children, Susan M. Dexter and Sarah E. Forehand and Charity C. Stroud, to each one dollar a piece. My first wife Charity Anderson [owned] forty acres of land from her father’s estate, which she gave and bequeathed to my oldest son John L.Anderson for which I have made a deed of generally [general warranty?] according to her order which I promised to do, day and date above to which I offer my hand and seal.

William (x) Anderson

Witness: Presley Morehead, Samuel Henry, Samuel Brown, M.H. Capps

August Term 1878
The foregoing last will and testament of William Anderson deceased was produced to court on the day aforesaid and proven to be the act and deed of said William Anderson, deceased by the oaths of Samuel Henry and Samuel Brown, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and the same ordered to be recorded which is now done accordingly.
John E. Reno, Clerk.

Know all men by these presents that I, Nancy J. Anderson, widow of William Anderson, deceased, do hereby relinquish what is given me by the will of the said decedent and also relinquish all the rights and interests acquired by me under or by virtue of said will. Witness my hand this 28th day of Aug. 1878.

N.J. Anderson

Witness W.G. Cates

Muhlenberg Will Book 4, page 17
Muhlenberg Will Book 4, page 17


Muhlenberg Wills, Book 4, page 17

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