Will of George M. Allen, 1910

I, George M. Allen of Central City, Muhlenburg County, Kentucky, being of sound mind do make this my last Will and Testament in the manner following:

1st: I order and direct that all my just debts be paid and that my burial expenses be paid.

2nd. I give Five Dollars ($5.00) to each of the following persons; to my son George Allen, to my daughter Leona Elder, to my daughter, Eliza Taylor and to my son Odie Allen, and one dollar each to Minnie, Sudie, Herschel P., Estle, Sadie, Mary, Pearlie King, these being my grandchildren and are the children of my deceased daughter, Siba E. King.

3rd. It is my will that Two hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars be paid to Cecil Allen and Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) dollars be paid to Anna Rebecca Allen, they being the children of my son, Odie Allen, if they be of the age of 21 years at the time of my death, they should be under the age of 21 years then the said amounts are to be held in trust and paid to them when they arrive at that age.

4th: If at my death my wife survives, then after the amounts herein before have been paid I will, devise and bequeath the remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to my wife, Susan Allen, and to her heirs aforever, and I hereby authorize and empower her as Executor of my Will and as Trustee of any fund that may be held in trust in order to carry out the provisions of this will, without bond.

5th. In the event I outlive my wife aforesaid, the mother of my son Odie Allen, then it is my will that the provisions and the authority shown in section 4 of this will apply to the said Odie Allen, that is to say; The remainder of my estate both real and personal is to be given to him and he is to be the Executor of this my will and Trustee of any fund which it may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this will without bond.

6th. If and in the event I outlive both my wife, Susan A. Allen, and my son, Odie Allen, then it is my will that the remainder of my estate, which would have descended to my wife or to our son Odie, as devised in section four and five of this will, shall go to the heirs of the said my son, Odie Allen.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed and sealed this instrument and published and declared the same as my last will, at Central City, Kentucky, this 10th day May, 1910.

George (X) Allen

At Central City, Muhlenburg County, Kentucky, on this 10th day of May, 1910, the above named George M. Allen signed this instrument in our presence, and published and declared the same as and for his last will, and we in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

C.A. Lawton
G.D. Kittinger
D.B. Lam Jr.

At a County Court begun and held for Hardin County in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, on Monday July 21st, 1913, an instrument of writing purporting to be the true last will and testament of George M. Allen, deceased was produced to Court and the handwriting and signature was proven in due form of law by the oath of C.A. Lawton one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, who also proved the attestation of G.D. Kittinger and D.B. Lamb the other two subscribing witnesses thereto. The will having been signed by mark of George M. Allen, deceased, the said C.A. Lawton attested the said mark of George M. Allen, he being present at the time the said mark was made, and as such the same was established and ordered to be recorded.

Whereupon I have truly recorded the same together with this certificate in my office this 21st day of July, 1913.
F.G. Corley, Clerk
By C.E. Bunnell, D.C.

Muhlenberg Will Book 5, pages 550-551
Muhlenberg Will Book 5, pages 550-551


Muhlenberg Wills, Book G, page 499

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