Kentucky Genealogy

Kentucky Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Kentucky ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Kentucky history.

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The State of Kentucky is situated between 36 degrees 30 minutes, and 39 degrees 10 minutes, north latitude; and between 81 degrees 50 minutes, and 89 degrees 26 minutes, west longitude — and includes all that portion of territory which lies south and westward of a line, beginning on the Ohio river, at the mouth of the Great Sandy river, and running up the same, and the main and north-easterly branch thereof, to the great Laurel ridge or Cumberland mountains; thence south-west along said mountains, to a line of North Carolina. It is bounded north by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio; east by Virginia; south by Tennessee; and west by the Mississippi river and State of Missouri. It is three hundred miles in length from east to west, and one hundred and fifty miles in mean breadth; and contains 42,600 square miles, or about twenty-seven million acres.

Kentucky County Genealogy

Kentucky Genealogy

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New Kentucky Genealogy

Adair County Land Records Index: 1807-1811

The Adair County Land Records Index is an index of land records for Adair County, Kentucky for the years of 1807-1811 as found in Book B, Kentucky State Archives microfilm roll #828890.

Adair County Land Records Index: 1802-1807

The Adair County Land Records Index is an index of land records for Adair County, Kentucky for the years of 1802-1807 as found in Book A, Kentucky State Archives microfilm roll #828890.

Adair County Probate Index: 1818-1836

The Adair County Probate Index is an index of all probate records for Adair County, Kentucky during the years of 1818-1836, as found in Volume C of Adair County court records, Kentucky State Archives microfilm #3601.

Adair County Probate Index: 1801-1817

The Adair County Probate Index is an index of all probate records for Adair County, Kentucky during the years of 1801-1817, as found in Volumes A+B of Adair County court records, Kentucky State Archives microfilm #3601.

Biography of Thomas Wright

Thomas Wright of Clark County, Kentucky, has been described in Genealogies and Sketches of Some Old Families, by Benjamin F. VanMeter, 1901, pp. 34-35. This and some other material may be found in the family file in the Clark County Library. I am taking the liberty of copying some of that material (in quotes) and adding other information that I have found. “Thomas Wright removed from Virginia to Clark County about the year 1780, and settled on Prettyrun Creek, on a part of the remaining one half of the Gist land–a part of the military survey of which Thomas Lewis…

Biography of R. S. Scobee

R. S. Scobee, a native of Clark County, KY., was born December 10, 1854, and is the youngest of a family of five children born to Robert and Lucy (Pendleton) Scobee. Robert Scobee, also a native of Clark County, was an enterprising farmer who devoted the whole of his life to agricultural pursuits; he was a son of Robert Scobee, who was a miller, distiller and farmer. Mrs. Lucy Scobee was born in Clark County, KY., a daughter of Rice Pendleton. R. S. Scobee was reared on a farm and received a common school education; he chose farming for an…

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