A father and son meticulously researched early Kentucky history in the 1800s. Lewis Collins spent two years studying, believing that understanding the land was key to understanding its history. His work exceeded expectations, thanks partly to Dr. Christopher Graham’s contributions. Lewis Collins’ research was enriched by an examination of over nine thousand depositions from pioneers, recorded between 1787 and 1827, sourced from various courthouses. Richard Collins expanded his father’s work, adding new information from court records and personal papers. I combined their lists into one for easier access. Both authors encourage readers to point out any errors, showcasing their dedication to historical accuracy. Please submit any corrections using the comment form below.
Stations and Settlements in Early Kentucky
A ‘sturgas’ Station (1783), on Harrod’s trace, in Jefferson County.
Adams (Geo.) Station, in Garrard co.
Armstrong’s Station, on the Indiana shore, in Clark County, Indiana, at the mouth of Bull creek, opposite the Grassy Flats, and 18-mile-Island bar, in the Ohio River, 18 miles above Louisville. A blockhouse was built here by Col. John Armstrong, between 1786 and 1790, to prevent the Indians from crossing the River here, where it was fordable, to steal horses from Ky.
Arnold’s (John) Station, on Little Benson creek, 7 miles above Frankfort; 1783.
Arrington’s Station, in southern Kentucky; 1788.
Ashton’s Station; mentioned in Boone’s Autobiography, May, 1782; same as Estill’s
Bailey’s Station, in Mason County, 2 ½ miles south of Maysville, and 1 mile from Washington; settled in 1791.
Ballard’s (Bland) Station in Shelby co.; usually called Tyler’s.
Bardstown, in Nelson County, established 1788; called Bairdstown.
Barnett’s Station, 2 miles from Hartford, Ohio County; settled by Col. Joseph Barnett, before 1790.
Bell’s Station, in Madison co.
Black’s Station; before Dec., 1794; in Fayette County, on waters of Clear Creek.
Blockhouse on Big Sandy River, near or above Louisa, Lawrence co.
Blue Licks, Lower. See Lower Blue Licks.
Blue Licks, Upper. See Upper Blue Licks.
Boiling Spring, in Mercer County, near or in Harrodsburg; in 1775, one of the four “settlements” which were represented in the Transylvania legislative body at Boonesboro.
Boone’s (Squire) Station; called Squire Boone’s Station.
Boone’s Station, on Boone’s Creek, in Fayette County, about 10 miles S. E.. of Lexington and 5 miles N. W. from Boonesboro; settled by and named after Daniel Boone about 1783 or ’84, who lived there until he removed to Maysville, before Feb. 3, 1786.
Boone’s Station, same as Boonesboro.
Boonesboro, on the W. bank of Kentucky River in Madison County; settled by Daniel Boone, who began the fort on April 1st, and finished it on the 14th of June, l775.
Boseley’s Station, ¾ mile above the main fork of Wells’ Creek, near Washington, Mason County; before 1793.
Bowman’s Station, 6 miles E. of Harrodsburg; settled in 1779 by 30 families under Col. Abram Bowman. Col. B. soon after removed to Fayette County .
Brashear’s Station, at mouth of Floyd’s Fork, in Bullitt County, 1779.
Bryan’s Station, in Fayette County, about 5 miles N. E. of Lexington, on the southern bank of the north fork of Elkhorn; settled by the Bryans in 1774, but a cabin had been built by Joseph Bryan, a son-in-law of Col. Daniel Boone, in 1776.
Buchanan’s Station, 1 mile w. of Germantown, Bracken County, where Geo. Humlong recently lived.
Bullitt’s Lick, on north side Salt River, 3 miles from Salt River and same distance from Shepherdsville, in Bullitt County; discovered by Capt. Thos. Bullitt in 1773; the only place where salt was made about the Falls in 1780-1, according to Bland Ballard’s deposition.
Burnt Station, on or near Simpson’s creek, in Nelson co.
Bush’s (Wms) Station or Settlement in Clark co., near Boonesborough.
Byne’s Station, settled by Edmund Byne, on North Fork, in Mason County.
Camp Knox, in n. part of Green County, where, in June, l770, Col. Jas. Knox, with 22 men (called the “Long Hunters”), with 4 pack-horses, encamped.
Campbell’s Station, on the Dry Ridge in now Grant co., 3 miles N. of Williamstown, and 33 miles from the mouth of Licking; settled some time before 1792.
Cane Run, a Presbyterian meeting-house in 1784, in then Lincoln County.
Carpenter’s Station, in the knobs of Green River, about 2 miles w. of Hustonville in Lincoln County; about 1780.
Cartwright’s Station; settled in 1779.
Casey’s (Col. Wm.) Station, in Lincoln County, 3 miles W. of Stanford, and 7 miles E. of Danville, on Hanging Fork of Dick’s River.
Cassidy’s Station, in Fleming County; settled by Michael Cassidy.
Clark’s Station, in Mason County; settled in l785.
Clark’s Station, on Clark’s Run, a branch of Dick’s River; settled by Geo. Clark before Nov 1779.
Clarksville, in Indiana, opposite Louisville, laid out by Gen. Geo. Rogers Clark.
Clear’s Station, in Bullitt County.
Collins’ Station, on Rockcastle River.
Cooper’s Station, on Cooper’s run, in Bourbon co., 2 miles from Kiser’s.
Corn Island, in Ohio River, opposite Louisville—where Gen. Geo. Rogers Clark built a fort in June, 1778, and raised several crops of corn; had several acres of rich land; now all washed away.
Cox’s Station, in Nelson County, near Kincheloe’s Station.
Crab Orchard, in Lincoln County, 12 miles from Lancaster, and 10 miles from Stanford, on the old pioneer road to Cumberland Gap.
Craig’s Station, (another), in Lincoln County, 2 miles E. of Danville.
Craig’s Station, on Gilbert’s creek, a few miles E. of Lancaster, Garrard County; settled by Rev. Lewis Craig, in 1780.
Crews (David) Station, in Madison co., 1781.
Crow’s Station, in then Lincoln County, near Danville; settled by John Crow, before May , 1782.
Curtis Station, in Mason co.
Danville, in Boyle County; laid off as a town by Walker Daniel, 1781.
Daviess (James) Station, about 5 miles W. of Whitley’s.
Davis’ Station, in southern Kentucky, probably in Logan or Warren co.
Dougherty’s Station, in Boyle co., on Clark’s run, 1 ½ miles below Danville.
Dover Station, in Garrard co., on waters of Dick’s River.
Dowdall’s Station, on Salt River: before 1784.
Downing’s Station, E of and near Dick’s River, not far from Danville.
Drennon’s Lick, in Henry County, near Kentucky River.
Dutch Station, in Jefferson County, on Beargrass creek; 1780.
Elijah Child’s Station, miles from Versailles 1783.
Elk Fork of Red River, in Logan County; several settlements on, 1785.
Ellis Station, at Ellisville, Nicholas co.
English’s Station, on s. bank of Dick’s River, in Lincoln co., 3 miles E. of Crab Orchard.
Estill’s New Station, 5 miles s. n. of Richmond.
Estill’s Station, on Muddy creek, 3 miles S. of Richmond, in Madison County; settled by Capt. James Estill, before 1781.
Falls Of The Ohio, The first fort was built on Corn Island, opposite Louisville, in June, 1778; in the fall of 1778, or spring of 1779, a rude stockade was raised near a ravine where, in 1838, Twelfth street in Louisville terminated at the Ohio River.
Feagan’s Station, in Mason co., 1 ½ or 2 miles E. of Germantown.
Field’s (Wm.) Station, 1 ¼ miles W. of Danville.
Finn’s Station, in Jefferson or Spencer co.; settled before 1780.
Finney, Fort – original name of Fort where lower end of Jeffersonville, Indiana, now stands, at the Falls of the Ohio.
Fisher’s (Stephen) Garrison, not far from Danville.
Fleming’s (Col. John) Station, in Fleming co.; 1790.
Florer’s Station, on the “ middle trace” from Maysville to Lexington; 1792
Floyd’s Fork Station, in Oldham co., near Pewee Valley, 18 miles E. of Louisville. .
Floyd’s Station, first at the mouth of Beargrass, in Louisville, corner 3d St. and Ohio River.
Floyd’s Station, on the Middle Fork of Beargrass creek, 6 miles from the Falls of the Ohio; settled by Col. John Floyd, in 1779.
Fontainbleau, about 3 miles below Harrodsburg, on the bank of Salt River; a mill was built here at a very early day
Fork’s of Dick’s River, Presbyterian preaching place in 1784, in now Lincoln County.
Forks of Elkhorn Settlement, in Scott co.
Fox’s (Arthur) Station; same as Washington
Garrard’s Station, in Hamilton co., Ohio, on Little Miami; April, 1796.
George Boone’s Station, 2 ½ miles N. W. of Richmond
Georgetown, in Scott co., formerly McClelland’s Fort,
Gilmer’s Lick, 7 miles from Whitelys Station, in Lincoln co.
Gilmore’s Station, 12 miles E. of Mountsterling, Montgomery co.
Given’s (Samuel) Station, 1 ¼ miles S. W. of Danville, on a branch of Clark’s run; settled before Feb., 1780; afterwards called John Reed’s Station.
Glover’s Station, on Green River, where Greensburg now stands; 1780.
Goar’s Station, in Franklin co., on N. side of Elkhorn creek.
Goodwin’s Station, on the Rolling Fork; 1780.
Gordon’s Station, 1779; in Mercer co.
Grant’s Lick, in Campbell co., 5 miles from Alexandria, on road to Falmouth; salt made there before 1800.
Grant’s Station, settled by Col. John Grant, in 1779, who abandoned it in 1780 and moved back to N. Carolina, but returned and re-settled it in 1784 within 5 miles N. E. of Bryan’s Station, near where Lowe’s is, on Ky. Cen. R. R., near Fayette and Bourbon line.
Great Crossings Station, in Scott co., about 2 miles W. of Georgetown; same as Col. Johnsons.
Grubb’s Station, settled by Capt. Higgason Grubbs, on Muddy creek, Madison co.. before Oct., 1792.
Haggin’s Station. [See Trigg’s Station.]
Harbeson’s Station, probably in E. part of Washington County, on road from Harrodsburg to Bardstown.
Hardin’s Station, same as Hardinsburg above.
Hardinsburg, County seat of Breckinridge co., originally a Station erected by Capt. Hardin; laid out as a town in 1782.
Harlan’s Station, on Salt River, in Mercer co., 7 miles s. E. from Harrodsburg and 3 miles S. W. of Danville; built by Major Silas Harlan, in 1778.
Harrison’s Station, 2 miles from Higgins’ Fort, about 3 miles from Cynthiana, in Harrison co.; before 1786.
Harrod’s Station, 6 miles east of Harrodsburg, in Mercer co., on the present road to Danville; settled by Col. James Harrod.
Harrod’s Town, or Harrodsburg Station, where Harrodsburg now stands, in Mercer co.; settled by James Harrod, in 1774. The Fort—located on the hill which, in 1834, was occupied by the seminary building, and which included a considerable spring of water at its foot—was begun during the winter of 1775-‘6, but not finished until the ensuing season.
Hart’s or White Oak Spring Station, 1 mile above Boonesboro, in same Ky. River bottom, in Madison co.; settled in 1779, by Nathaniel Hart, and some families from Pennsylvania.
Hartford Station, where Hartford, Ohio co., is; before 1790.
Hazel Patch, on the Cumberland Gap road, in Laurel co.
Helm’s Station, Haycraft’s Station, and Hynes’ Station, Settled by Capt. Thos. Helm, in 1780, on the spot now occupied by the late Gov. John L. Helm’s residence; the 2d, named after Samuel Haycraft, was on the hill above the cave spring; while Hynes’, settled by Col. Andrew Hynes, occupied the other angle of a triangle where Elizabethtown now stands; they were one mile apart. .
Higgins‘ Blockhouse, on bank of Licking, 1 ½ miles above Cynthiana, Harrison co., opposite mouth of Sellers’ Run; before 1786. ‘
Hinkston’s Station, in Harrison co., on South Licking, 1 ½ miles above Higgins’ Blockhouse, and a short distance below Hinkston creek; was first settled by Isaac Ruddle and others, and called Ruddle’s Station until “taken by the Indians” in 1780; when resettled, afterwards, it was oftenest called Hinkston’s, after John Hinkson, the most prominent of the re-settlers.
Hobson’s Choice, the camping ground of Gen. Wayne, in 1793, on the Ohio River, below (now in) the city of Cincinnati—the very spot now occupied by the gas works, but reaching above and below that.
Hogland’s Station, in Jefferson co., on Beargrass; 1780.
Holder’s (John) Station, on Ky. River, 2 miles below Boonesborough.
Hood’s Station, in Clark co.; before 1792.
Hoy’s Station, in Madison County.
Huston’s Station, in 1776,” the present site of Paris, Bourbon co.
Irish Station, between Danville and mouth of Dick’s River.
Irish Station, in Nicholas co., 5 or 6 miles S. of Lower Blue Lick, on road to Millersburg.
Irvine’s Station, near where Richmond now stands, in Madison co.; established by Col. Wm. Irvine and his brother Capt. Christopher Irvine, in 1778 or 1779.
James McAfee’s Station, on the bank of Salt River, 6 or 7 miles below Harrodsburg, and W. N. W. from it; first cabin built in 1774, and more settlers came in 1775.
Jefferson, Fort, in Ballard co., on the Mississippi River, about 5 miles below the mouth of the Ohio; established by Gen. George Rogers Clark, within the Chickasaw country in 1780; abandoned or evacuated in the spring of 1781, because it afforded no security to the Western settlements.
Johnson’s (Col. Robert) Station, at the Great Buffalo Crossings on North Elkhorn, in Scott co.; settled in winter of 1783-84.
Kellar’s Station, in Jefferson co.; before 1780.
Kennedy’s Station, in Garrard co., between Paint Lick creek and Dick’s River.
Kenton’s (John) Station, half mile S. E. of Washington, Mason co.
Kenton’s (Simon) Station; several blockhouses built by Simon Kenton, who brought them from Pennsylvania his father’s family, and remained with them until July 1784.
Kenton’s Station, 3 miles s. W. of Limestone, now Maysville, and 1 mile S. of Washington, in Mason co.; settled by Simon Kenton, in 1784.
Kilgore’s Station, in 1782, N. of Cumberland River, on S. side of Red River; attacked by Indians, same year, and broken up. Probably in southern part of Logan co., near state line, or may be in Tennessee. ‘
Kincheloe’s Station, on Simpson’s creek, in Spencer co.
Knob Lick, in Lincoln co., 5 miles s. of Danville; settled in 1776, by Isaac Shelby.
Kuykendahl’s (Moses) Station, (1782), in Jefferson co., on waters of Harrod’s creek.
Leach’s Station, in Bracken co.
Lee’s Station, in Mason co., between Maysville and Washington; settled by Gen. Henry Lee, in I78-5, and still the home of his descendants.
Leestown, on E. bank of Ky. River, 1 mile below Frankfort—settled in 1776, by Hancock Lee, Cyrus McCracken (father of Capt. Virgil McCracken, after whom McCracken co. was named), and others——who raised cabins there.
Leitch’s Station, about 6 miles above the mouth of Licking, on the E. bank, in now Campbell County; settled in 1790 by Maj. David Leitch (after whom Litchfield, Grayson co., was named).
Lewis’ Station, re-settled by Geo. Lewis in 1789, formerly called Geo. Clark’s Station—where Lewisburg now is, in Mason co., miles from Maysville.
Lexington, on the Town fork of Elkhorn, in Fayette co.; settled by Col. Robert Patterson, April 1, 1779.
Liberty Fort, on Salt River in Mercer County, 3/4 mile below McAfee’s Station.
Licking Station, in Harrison co., probably near Lair’s or may be nearer to Cynthiana.
Limestone, [See Maysville]
Lindsay’s Station, in Scott co., near Lecompt’s run.
Linn’s Station, on Beargrass, in Jefferson co., about 10 miles from Louisville: before 1780.
Littell’s Station, in Pendleton co., on Fork Lick, a west branch of South Licking, into which it empties just below Callensville (or Morgan’s, on Ky. Cen. RR)
Littell’s Station, now the site of Williamstown, Grant Co.; settled before 1792.
Locust Thicket in Madison co.; before 1780.
Logan’s Fort, same as St. Asaph, 1 mile W. of Stanford, in Lincoln co.; settled by Col. Benj. Logan, in 1775.
Loudon’s Station, 30 miles from mouth of Ky. River, probably in Henry co.
Louisville, at the Falls of the Ohio, in Jefferson co.; laid off as a town by Capt. Thos. Bullitt, in August, 1773; the first settlement was on Corn Island, near the Ky. shore, in the spring of 1778; in the fall of that year, a blockhouse was built on the main shore, and in 1782 a larger fort called Fort Nelson.
Lower Blue Licks, in Nicholas co., in sight of where the Maysville and Lexington turnpike crosses Licking River; discovered in 1773.
Lynch’s Station, near Shelbyville; same as Squire Boone’s.
Manchester or Massie’s Station, 12 miles above Maysville, on the north bank of the Ohio River.
Mann’s Lick, a salt Station before 1786, on south side of and close to Salt River, in Bullitt co., a few miles from Shepherdsville.
Marble Creek Station, 7 miles from Boonesborough.
Martin’s Station, established by John Martin (who built a cabin in 1775), 5 miles from Ruddle’s Station, on Stoner, about 3 miles below Paris in Bourbon co.; settled in 1779.
Masterson’s (James) Station, 5 miles N. W. of Lexington. The first Methodist E. church building in Ky. was erected here—-a plain log structure—in 1790, or earlier; and in 1871 was still standing.
Maulding’s Station, established in 1780, on Red River, in Logan co.
May’s Lick Settlement, at Ma slick, Mason co.
Maysville, on the Ohio River, at the mouth of Limestone creek, in Mason co.; settled in 1784; blockhouse built by Edward Waller, John Waller and George Lewis, of Virginia.
McAfee’s Station, in Mercer co., 6 or 7 miles from Harrodsburg, on Salt River, and about ¼ of a mile above Providence church; settled by the McAfee brothers, in 1779.
McClelland’s Fort or Station, where Georgetown now stands, in Scott co., settled, in 1776, by John, Alex. and Wm. McClelland, and their and other families from Hinckston’s Station and Drennon’s Lick.
McConnell’s Station, settled by Wm. McConnell in 1783 or earlier, at the royal spring near (now in) Lexington, was not so fortified as to be regarded as a regular station, and was soon merged in Lexington.
McCormick’s Station, on top of first ridge N. or R. W. of Knob Lick fork of Hanging Fork of Dick’s River.
McFadden’s Station, 4 miles above Bowlinggreen, on Big Barren River, in Warren co.; settled by Andrew McFadden, in 1785.
Mcg\Gee’s Station, or COVE SPRING, on Cooper-’s run, in S. E.part of Fayette co., on or near Tate’s creek road from Lexington to Richmond; sometimes called “Old Station; ” settled before 1780.
McGary’s (Maj. Hugh) Station, in Mercer co., at the head spring on Shawnee run, 5 miles N. 2:. E. from Harrodsburg.
McGuire’s Station, same as McGee’s; so called, sometimes, because James McGuire was prominent there in 1780.
McKinley’s Block House, on the old buffalo traces of Washington, Mason co., where David Hunter lived in 1873; built by Jas. McKinley in 1785.
McKinney’s Station, settled by‘ Archibald McKinney before 1792; in Lincoln Co., on McKinney’s branch of Hanging Fork, about 2 miles from Green River, 9 miles s. W. from Stanford, and about 4 miles N. E. of Hustonville.
McMillin’s Fort, in Bourbon or Harrison co.; 1779.
Meaux’s Station, probably in Boyle or Mercer co.; 1789.
Meek’s Station, on the waters of Drennon’s Lick, 20 miles from the Ohio River at the mouth of 18 Mile creek.
Mefford’s (GEO.) Station, 2 ½ miles S. of Maysville, Mason co. ; 1787.
Middle Station, in Jefferson co.; before 1787.
Mill’s Station, supposed to be in Greenup or Lewis co., Wm. Thompson, of White Oak, Greenup co., who died May 7, 1867, aged 77, settled there in 1790, with his father.
Miller’s Station, settled in 1784 by John Miller, about 1 mile from Hinkston creek towards Blue Licks, and 1 mile N. E. of Millersburg.
Montgomery’s Station, in Lincoln Co., on the headwaters of Green River, 12 miles s. W. from Logan’s Fort, 2 ½ miles from Pettit’s Station; settled by Wm. Montgomery, (the father-in-law of Gen. Ben. Logan) and sons, in 1780.
Morgan’s Station, on Slate creek, 7 miles E. of Mount Sterling, in what is now Bath co.; settled before 1793.
Mud Garrison, where Shepherdsville now stands, in Bullitt co., midway between Bullitt’s Lick and the Falls of Salt River; settled in, or before 1778.
Muddy River Licks, N. of Russellville, in Logan and Butler counties; settlements between 1780 and 1784.
Nelson, Fort, in Louisville, corner 9th St. and Ohio River.
New Holland, in Jefferson co.; before 1784.
Nonsense, Fort, in Bullitt co.
Old Town, a name by which Harrodsburg was known at an early day
Old Town, in Greenup co., the scene of a great battle by Indians.
Owen’s (Bracket) Station, near Shelbyville 1782.
Owings Station, on road from Lexington to Paris.
Paint Lick Station, in Garrard co., near Madison Co. line.
Painted Stone, some doubt as to its locality, but believed to be another name for Squire Boone’s Station on Clear creek, near Shelbyville, Shelby co.; certainly Squire Boone’s military headquarters in June, 1780.
Paris, formerly Houston’s Station, in Bourbon co.; established in 178 under the name of Hopewell, afterwards called Bourbonton, and finally Paris.
Petit’s Station, in Lincoln Co., 2 ½ miles from Montgomery’s Station, on the headwaters of Green River, and 16 miles S. E. from Logan s Fort.
Phillip’s Fort, in Larue Co., on N. side of Nolin creek, 1 ¼ miles from Hodgenville; settled by Philip Phillips, 1780-1.
Pittman’s Station, in Green Co., on the right bank of Green River, near the mouth of Pittman’s creek, 5 miles W. of Greensburg; settled in fall of 1779 or spring of 1780.
Pond Station, in McLean co., 4 miles s. W. of Calhoun; 1790.
Popular Level, in Jefferson Co.; before 1784.
Port William, now Carrollton, in Carroll Co., at the mouth of Kentucky River; laid out in 1792; a blockhouse built in 1786 or 1787 by Capt. Elliston.
Redstone Fort, now Brownsville, in S. W. Pennsylvania, on the Monongahela River; the most frequent point where emigrants from Pennsylvania and the east, and many from Virginia and Maryland, took navigation for Ky.
Reed’s (John) Station, near Danville; same as Givens’.
Roger’s Station (another), towards Strode’s Station, in Clark co.
Roger’s Station, in Nelson Co., near the Beech Fork; 1780.
Ruddle’s Station, on E. bank of South Fork of Licking River, 3 miles below the junction of Hinkston and Stoner’s branches, about 7 miles from Paris, in Bourbon co.; settled in 1777, by Isaac Ruddle; captured by the Indians and destroyed in 1780; re-built by John Hinkson and- others, and called Hinkston’s Station.
Russellville, in Logan co.; settled in 1780.
Salt River Garrison; before 1780.
Sandusky’s Station, on Pleasant Run, in Washington co., settled by James Sandusky or Sodowsky in 1776; in 1786 or ’87 he removed to Cane Ridge, in Bourbon Co., and settled another Station, which was probably known by the name of Cane Ridge
Scott’s (John) Station, 5 ½ miles N. E. of Cynthiana, Harrison co.
Scrivner’s Station, in Madison co.
Shallow Ford Station, in Madison co.
Skagg’s Station, on Brush creek, in Green co.; about 1781.
Slate Blockhouse, at the old Slate Furnace, in Bath Co.; about 1788.
Smith’s Station, on road from Danville to mouth of Dick’s River.
Spring Station, in Jefferson co., in 1784.
Squire Boone’s Station, in Shelby co., near where Shelbyville now stands, on Clear creek, a branch of Brashears’ creek; settled in 1780 or before.
St. Asaph, or Logan’s Fort, in Lincoln Co., 1 mile W. of Stanford; in 1775.
Station Camp Creek, in Jackson and Estill counties.
Stations on Beargrass creek; 6, in 1780, with a population of 600 men.
Steuben, Fort, at the Falls of the Ohio in 1790; originally culled Fort Finney, now Jeffersonville, Indiana.
Stevenson’s Station, on Paint Lick creek, probably in Garrard Co.
Stockton’s (Geo.) Station, in sight of Flemingsburg, Fleming co.; in 1787.
Strode’s Station, 2 miles from Winchester, in Clark co.; in 1779.
Stroud’s Station, in Mason Co., on the North Fork of Licking, at the mouth of Stroud’s run, in 1785. More correctly written Strode.
Sturgus’ Station, in Jefferson co.; in or before 1784.
Sullivan’s (Daniel) Station, in Jefferson co.; before 1784.
Sullivan’s Old Station, before 1780, in Jefferson co.; 5 miles s. E. of Louisville, on the Bardstown road. Elisha Applegate, still living in Nov., 1872, was born there in 1781.
Sullivan’s Station, in Jefferson co., on Beargrass; 1780.
Sulllvan’s New Station, in Jefferson co. ; Before 1784.
Summit Station, in Nicholas co., 12 miles from Lower Blue Licks.
Tanner’s (John) Station, 6 miles n. w. of Richmond.
Tanner’s Station, at Lower Blue Licks; Nov., 1784.
Tanner’s Station, where Petersburg now is, in Boone co.; 1785.
Taylor’s Creek Station was probably in Campbell Co., on Taylor’s Creek. The Cincinnati Centinel of the North- West, March 12, 1796, says John Campbell lived there.
The Little Fort; same as Twetty’s; 1775.
Thompson’s Station, settled by Robert Thompson in 1790; on the Middle Fork of Elkhorn, 3 miles below Lexington, in Fayette co.
Todd’s Station, in Jessamine co., not far from Keene, and about 10 miles s. W. from Lexington; settled by Levi Todd in 1779, who afterwards removed to Lexington as a place of greater safety.
Trigg’s Station, 4 miles N. E. of Harrodsburg, in Mercer co., on Cane run, 4 miles from its mouth at Dick’s River; settled in 1780 by Col. Stephen Trigg, and called Viney Grove, because of the number of large grape-vines. John Haggin lived there, and it was sometimes called Haggin’s Station.
Twetty’s Fort, the first fort in Ky., 5 miles S. of Richmond; 1775.
Tyler’s Station, named after Capt. Robert Tyler; on Tick creek, 4 miles E. of Shelbyville. ‘
Upper Blue Licks, on Licking River, in Nicholas co. 12 miles from Flemingsburg and 18 miles from Carlisle,
Vance’s Station, on Green River, 15 miles from its mouth; before April, 1780.
Vancouver’s (Charles) Fort, in forks of Big Sandy River; settled in 1789, but abandoned in 1790.
Vanmeter’s (Jacob) Fort, in Hardin co.; before 1790. .
Vienna Station, in McLean co., at the falls of Green River; now Calhoun.
Viney Grove. [See Trigg’s Station]
Waddington’s, a mistake for Worthington’s Station
Waring’s Station, in Mason co., nearly 2 miles from Maysville, a short distance W. of Lexington turnpike; settled, Feb., 1785, by Col. Thos. Waring.
Warner’s Station, on Otter creek, in Madison co.
Warren’s (Thos.) Station, in Madison co.
Washington, in Mason co., 3 ½ miles S. W. of Maysville; settled by Simon Kenton in 1784; laid out as a town in 1786, by Rev. Wm. Wood and Arthur Fox, sen.
Wells’ (Samuel) Station, 3 ½ miles N. W. of Shelbyville.
Wells’ Station, in w. part of Mason co.
Whaley’s Station, in Mason co.
Whippoorwill Creek, Logan co. ; settlement in 1784, by the Mauldings.
Whitaker’s Station, in Bullitt co.; settled by Capt. Aquilla Whitaker, the hero of the fight at the foot of the Falls of the Ohio, on March 1, 1781.
White Oak Spring (or Hart’s) Station. [See Hart’s Station]
Whitley’s Station, in Lincoln Co., 2 miles s. w. of Crab Orchard. “In 1779, they found Col. Wm. Whitley’s Station at Dick’s River, on the Ky. trace from Cumberland Gap.” On the spot still stands a two-story brick house–claimed to be the first brick house built in Kentucky, the windows are set over six feet above the floor, to prevent the Indians seeing or shooting into the room.
Wilderness, the great traveled road from Virginia to Kentucky, through Cumberland Gap , Hazel Patch, Crab Orchard, and Stanford, to Danville and Central Kentucky.
William McAfee’s Station, on Shawnee run, about 1 mile w. from Harrodsburg, at the mouth of the Town branch. ‘
Williams (David) Station, 6 miles N. E. from Harrodsburg.
Wilson’s Station, (another), in Lincoln Co., at the fork Clark’s run; 1785.
Wilson’s Station, in Mercer Co., on a branch of Salt River, 2 miles N. W. of Harrodsburg.
Woods’ (John) Station, in Madison co.
Worthington’s Station or Fort, in Lincoln Co., 4 miles S. E. of Danville; settled in 1779, by Capt. Edward Worthington.
This is so awesome and useful! What a treasure to be able to read it! Thank you for the efforts and foresight!
Linda Mary Thank
Colville, Washington State