Bainbridge, Hamby, and Scates’ Mill Precincts

The history of these three precincts, Bainbridge, Hamby and Scates’ Mill, forming the northwest portion of Christian County, are almost identical in their social, religious and political organization, and are there-fore taken together. Starting with the boundary lines of the Union Schoolhouse Precinct on the south, and the Hopkinsville Precinct on the east, the topographical, geographical and agricultural features of this part of the county are also very similar, if not identical with that already de-scribed in the northeast portion in the chapter devoted to the precincts of Mount Vernon, Fruit Hill, Wilson and Stewart. In a word, almost the entire northern half of the county is broken and hilly, and gradually in-creases in ruggedness till the coal fields along the Hopkins and Muhlenburg County lines are reached. In this part of the county, however, the coal strata are much more inviting and promising than those lying farther to the east in Stewart and Wilson, and are destined one day to become an important factor in the commercial and manufacturing interests of the county. Several mines have already been opened up, and are now being worked in a small way, supplying coal to Hopkinsville and other minor points, but it remains to the encouraging proximity of a railroad or a stem pushed out directly into these fields, to fully develop the almost inexhaustible resources of this northwestern quarter of Christian. A road extending out through Hamby to these rich deposits in Scates’ Mill is but a question of time, and when fully opened up, these mines of ” black diamonds ” will be a source of great revenue to the county.

As has been said elsewhere, the advantages of timber, water and game attracted the pioneers to the northern parts of the county, and consequently the first considerable settlements were made here rather than in the timberless or ” barren ” sections to the south. And also as in the northeastern portions the ” first comers ” were principally from the Carolinas and Georgia, and a few from Virginia, Maryland and elsewhere. They located here and there along water courses, built their shanties and cabins in most unexpected places adjacent to springs, and sometimes perched upon the tops of the most inaccessible hills.

The first comers to Bainbridge settled principally along the Sinking Fork of Little River, Horse Creek and other tributaries to that stream. Among them were the Torian brothers-Peter and George, and Charles McCarty, who came with them from Halifax County, Va., about 1800 or before. Like most Virginians, they were good tobacco raisers, and having a number of slaves when the markets opened up for that commodity, they became among the largest growers of the ” weed ” in the county. They were good citizens, and for that day comfortably well off. About the only one who had preceded them to the neighborhood was Ned Palmer, who came it is thought from the same county in Virginia, but at a much earlier date. He was a man already somewhat advanced in years before he came, and had settled on the Sinking Fork near the road leading from Hopkinsville to Princeton. He had a large family of girls, one of whom married Abner Boyd. Later on when the country around had settled up somewhat Palmer- built both a mill and a small distillery on his place. The old homestead is still owned by some of his descendants.

Not far from Palmer’s on the Princeton road, and one mile south of the Sinking Fork bridge, Malcolm McNeil settled at an early day. He was a man of much wealth, perhaps the richest man in Christian County at that day, having a large estate of land and Negroes both here and in Mississippi. He is said to have been not only rich in this world’s goods, but, what is exceedingly rare in the rich at all times and everywhere, rich in charity toward all men, and in incorruptible treasures laid up ” where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.” As a Christian he was exemplary in all his habits, and a gentleman who was often at his house says it was his invariable custom, night and morning, to assemble about him his family, both white and black, and lead them in family prayer. He was married four times, and the same gentleman gives as a remarkable coincidence in connection with his marriages the fact that the first Mrs. McNeil was a Branch, the second a Rivers, the third a Sea, and the fourth a Body. It is to be regretted that the last Mrs. McNeil was not an Ocean instead of a Body, for then the climax would have been reached, and one might have indulged oneself in the pleasant fancy that his felicity beginning with a branch, soon deepened to a river, then widened to a sea, and finally both deepened and broadened into a mighty ocean. The only hypothesis his friends can offer for his not having married an Ocean the last time, is that having enjoyed the most diffuse forms of marital felicity in his prime, in his old age he preferred to have it more in the concrete. And no doubt the latter Mrs. McNeil was a concretion of all the virtues of all the others. Mr. McNeil afterward moved to the Lafayette Precinct where, for many years, he lived esteemed by all who knew him, and finally died at a ripe old age. He was a member of the Methodist Church, a Whig, and for that day, a man of more than ordinary culture and refinement.

Joseph Bozarth and William Wood, two old “Ironside” Baptists, settled near each other at a very early day, the former about two miles northwest of the present site of Belleview, and near Horse Creek; the latter about two miles further on to the north of Bozarth’s. They were both quite early, Bozarth from Barren County, Ky., and Wood probably from one of the Carolinas. The former for many years made a regular business of hauling salt from the saline works to the infant settlements of Christian County. Further over toward the present Caldwell line on the Princeton road there long stood (and perhaps still stands) an old stone house built by Jacob Colley, who came to the county with his brother William among the very first, and died at a very early day. William owned the adjoining farm, and besides being a good hunter was noted as a good hatter also. His hats were scarcely any, if at all, inferior to the celebrated Gant hats, and were noted everywhere among the early pioneers for their finish and durability.

Among other early settlers were Clement Wood, near ” Savage Hollow,” Hicks, the ancestor of Hamlin, John K. and William, who settled on the Muddy Fork north of the Princeton road, and Calmose, who for many years kept a house of “entertainment” about one mile east of Oakland. Calmese is said to have been beside a pleasant host a man of unbounded loquacity, and anecdotes were told of his having on various occasions talked his guests to death. These were long the standing jokes of the neighborhood, and grew out of the fact that a stranger had died suddenly at his house. ” Mine host” had talked him to death, of course.

Later on (1814) William, John and Henry Lander, brothers, came from Clark County, Ky., the two former settling in the Bainbridge, and the latter in the Union Schoolhouse Precinct. They were originally from Virginia, and men of considerable property. William at one time bought 2,600 acres of land in one body. Solomon Cates was his nearest and his only neighbor for miles around. William B. Lander, a grandson, possesses an heirloom in the shape of a gridiron received from his grand-mother Lander, which is memorable from the fact that George Washington once ate cakes cooked upon it for him by her mother. Besides these there were others scattered here and there, some of whom came earlier and some later, but these are sufficient to give the type of the first adventurers into this part of the county. Hamby Precinct – Further up the country in the precincts of Ham-by and Scates’ Mill, the Pooles, Razors, Chrismans, Ricketts, Hopsons, Coons, Armstrongs, Williamses, Boyds, Hambys, Keyeses and others in the precinct of Hamby, and McKnights, Parkers, Collinses, Thompsons, Alexanders, Adamses, Browns, Longs, Ladds, Clarks and McCords in the precinct of Scates’ Mill, settled at a very early day, many of them being largely identified with the early political organization of the county. The Clarks were among the earliest officers, and figure largely upon the official records of the county. They are frequently mentioned elsewhere.

Most of our readers will remember the familiar figure of Philip Hamby, the ” butt-cut-of Democracy” still living, who settled just north of the Buttermilk road about nine miles from Hopkinsville. Besides being a Magistrate of the county, for many years he led a forlorn hope ” against the serried ranks of Whigs and Know-Nothings. In spite of early discouragement and disappointments he has lived to see the principles of his party phoenix-like rise from the ashes of war and defeat and spread their aegis over the whole land. In his younger days he was quite fleshy and being low of stature fitly represented the ” butt. cut ” of his party. It is related of him that on one occasion he had the misfortune to be thrown from his horse, and in the fall received very severe injuries. Some time afterward on his way to court, the same animal shied with him violently at the same point in the road, and on recovering his seat in the saddle, he is said to have remarked good humoredly: ” Well ! you old brute, you ! your memory is certainly to be admired, but I’m sorry I can-not commend your judgement as well.”

The Rev. Dr. J. E. McCord will also be remembered by many who read these pages. He was a man of fine native abilities, and on several occasions set himself for the defense of his peculiar views as a Universalist. The most memorable of his debates was with the Rev. T. C. Frogge, a Methodist preacher, in which he is said to have displayed much astuteness and force as a debater. On one occasion he pronounced a memorable oration over the remains of a Fort Donelson hero, and by way of prelude recited the following original poem: “


We are called today to mourn the loss,
Occasioned by the death of J. H. Doss.
At Fort Donelson when the battle waxed hot,
He fired ten rounds and then he got shot.
The brave boy when he went away
Promised to return another day;
But that he is dead is now no joke,
For he was killed by the rebels under Leonidas Polk.
That his soul is now safe and sound with his Lord
Is the prayer of the Rev. Dr. J. E. McCord.”

The oration that followed is said to have been the most eloquent of its kind ever delivered to a Christian County audience, and is remembered by those who heard it as one of the grandest efforts of his life.

Josiah Anderson, son of James Anderson of North Carolina, an old Revolutionary hero, was born at an old fort near Nashville, Tenn., as his parents were en route to Logan County, Ky. Josiah was early apprenticed to a cabinet-maker at Russellville, and while there made the coffin in which was buried the unfortunate Dickinson, killed by Gen. Jackson in a duel. Having removed to Hopkinsville in 1808, on the breaking out of the war of 1812 he joined Capt. Allsbury’s company, and under the command of that gallant officer followed the fortunes of Gen. Hopkins in his Northwestern campaign. On his return having married Miss Agnes Fountain he settled in Hamby Precinct, and reared a large family of sons and daughters. He subsequently removed to his farm, three miles south of Hopkinsville, where he died full of years and honor in his ninety-first year.

The following incident is related of Lemuel Clark, an early pioneer of Scates’ Mill, by one of his descendants. When about eleven years of age, he one morning wrapped himself in his father’s overcoat, and stealing ” Old Bess ” the trusty rifle slipped out before day on an impromptu turkey-hunt. Passing through a small clump of oak saplings not far from the house, lie suddenly came upon a dark object lying before him in his path. Seeing it move, but not being able in the gray of the morning to make out just exactly what it was, h& raised his gun and fired. The ball cut the bark from a sapling just above the line of the dark object, which, rising to its feet, discovered to the youthful hunter the presence of a full grown bear. In his hurry to reload, young Clark broke his ramrod and had to step aside to get a hazel-twig, which he had scarcely cut and trimmed before he saw the bear making toward him. Sending the ball home, and hastily throwing the gun up to his shoulder, Clark fired, and then turned and ran off as fast as his legs could carry him. Telling his father of the circumstance, after daylight they returned together to the scene of the reencounter, and finding blood upon the ground, soon tracked his bearship to a distant copse where he lay drawing his last breath. The last shot though fired at random had entered a vital part and cut short his pursuit of the embryo hunter. Clark lived to be grown, and afterward became one of the most noted bunters of his day.

Jacob Morris, also of Scates’ Mill, is said to have been a man of sterling integrity. It is told of him that he once became involved as security for a friend, and not having the money by him with which to cancel the debt he at once took leave of his family and started for the saline works on Saline Creek, in Illinois. Here at two bits a day he toiled diligently for many long weary months till the necessary amount had been accumulated, and then returned home to discharge the debt. His buckskin breeches are said to have become so stiffened by repeated absorptions of salt water that he could scarcely stoop or sit down in them.

But enough of the early pioneers to this northwest portion of the county. They were a sturdy race of adventurous men and women, and the difficulties they encountered might well have appalled the stoutest and bravest hearts. The regions round about were an unbroken wilderness, peopled by savage beasts and lurking foes, and day and night made hideous and dismal by the hoots of wide-eyed owls or the blood-curdling shrieks of prowling panthers. Amid all this they lived and toiled on day after day, scanty of food and clothing and all the conveniences and comforts of domestic life. In their seclusion they had no opportunity for the cultivation of any of the arts and elegancies of refined life; schools, churches and social gatherings of any kind were for a long time but the faint echo of a past civilization back in the older States. A gentleman’s diary, from which we are permitted to quote, will give some faint conception of those primitive times and customs. He says: I well recollect the first time I ever saw a tea cup and saucer, and tasted coffee. My mother died when I was six years old, and my father then sent me to school at Baltimore, Md. On reaching the town of Russellville on my way, I found everything new and strange. The tavern at which I stopped was a brick house, and to make the change still more complete, it was plastered on the inside, both as to the walls and ceilings. On going into the dining room, I was struck with astonishment at the appearance of the house. I had no idea there was a house in the world not built of logs or poles; but here I looked around the house and could see no logs, and above I could see no joists. Whether such a thing had been made so by the hands of man or grown so of itself I could not conjecture. I had not the courage to in-quire anything about it. I watched attentively to see what the “big folks” would do with their little cups and spoons. I imitated them, and found the taste of the coffee nauseous beyond anything I had ever tasted in my life. I continued to drink as the rest of the company did, with tears streaming from my eyes; but when and where it was all to end I was at a loss to know, as the little cups were filled immediately upon being emptied. This circumstance distressed me exceedingly, and I durst not for the life of me say I had enough. Looking attentively at the grand persons about me and watching their maneuvers, I at last saw one of the guests turn his cup bottom upward and put his little spoon across it. I observed after this his cup was not filled again. I followed his example, and to my great satisfaction the result as to my cup was the same.”

The hunting shirt was universally worn. This was a loose frock, reaching half way down the thighs, with large sleeves, open before, and so wide as to lap over when belted. It generally had a cape, and was made of cloth or buck-skin. The bosom of this shirt served as a wallet, to hold bread, jerked venison, tow for wiping out the rifle, or any other necessary article for the warrior or hunter. The belt, which was tied behind, answered several purposes besides that of holding the dress together. Moccasins for the feet, and generally a coon-skin cap for the head, made up the fashionable outfit of the backwoods hunter and brave. Linsey-woolsey petticoats, with an overdress of the same material, were the dress of the women of those days. On Sundays and other extra occasions, a cotton handkerchief across the breast, and a pair of home-made shoes on the feet made up the tout ensemble of the average belle of the backwoods. Weddings were, par excellence, the grand occasions of those days. As there were no distinctions in rank, everybody in the whole neighborhood for a radius of many miles assembled at the bride’s cabin on the day of the expected nuptials. After dinner the dancing commenced and was kept up with little intermission till the following day. After supper, about 10 or 11 o’clock, a deputation of young ladies would steal off the blushing bride, ascend the ladder to the loft, and passing softly over the loft-floor, made of rough puncheons or clap-boards pinned down with wooden pins, put her to bed. A little later a deputation of young men would steal off the groom, and similarly put him to bed, and then return to the dance below. The next day the ” infair ” as it was called, went on at the house of the groom, much as it had at the house of the bride’s parents, and some-times this feasting and merry-making was kept up for days together.

For some time, as we have said, this was a country without churches or schools, but as the tide of immigration continued to flow in; and the settlements began to be more thickly populated, occasional schoolhouses were built which answered both as seats of learning and temples of worship. In these for many years the simple yeomen and their families gathered about the ” ambassadors for Christ,” and listened to their homely preachings. Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Universalists and all other denominations worshiped together, and were alike glad to welcome to the neighborhood the itinerants ” of each church.

It is impossible now to give the religious composition of these early settlements or say who was first to organize into separate and distinct organizations. The records of most have been lost and we can only give the bare fact that such and such churches now exist.

The West Union Baptist Church, located near Belle View, Christian Co., Ky., was constituted in November, 1819. Seventeen persons were in the constitution, seven males and ten females. The officiating presbytery consisted of Elders John Mallory, Dudley Williams and David Haggard. David Haggard was an ordained preacher and was one of the constituent members, and for ten years next succeeding the constitution of the church was its principal pulpit supply, though never recognized as its pastor. Elder Haggard was a good man, but possessed very little ability as a preacher and very few were added to the church under his ministry. In January, 1831, Elder Dudley Williams, a man of respectable ability, was chosen pastor, which position he held for eight years. Under his pastorate the church was built up and strengthened by a number of very valuable accessions; among them may be mentioned: James Jones, Dr. I. M. Wooldridge and C. W. Roach. This trio were made deacons, ‘and using the office of deacons well they became very useful men in the church. Dr. I. M. Wooldridge was a successful practicing physician, a noble specimen of the Christian gentleman, liberal of his ample means, the poor man’s friend, a generous contributor to the cause of missions, the friend of education and the safe adviser of his pastor. After a life of usefulness he died in 1872, loved and lamented by a large circle of friends. Deacon C. W. Roach was his devoted friend and fellow-laborer, his peer in faith and good works, for many years the clerk of the Little River Association, a man of liberal views and broad influence; he died in 1875. Deacon James Jones died in 1840 in the midst of his usefulness.

Elder Williams was succeeded by Elder John S. Wilson, an earnest, able minister of the New Testament, who after serving the church one year, was called to Louisville, where he settled and subsequently died.

During the year 1840 the church had no pastor; the pulpit was filled by Elders Kelly, Rondeau and others. In January, 1841, Elder John W. Kelly was elected pastor and commenced his labors in a meeting of two weeks’ continuance, resulting in a large number of very valuable accessions; men who gave much strength to the church, which had now become an efficient body. Elder Kelly, after a pastorate of only six months with large success, died on the 14th of June, 1841. One incident connected with his ministry with this church will suffice to show what type of man he was. He had been under the necessity, as he thought, of reproving a couple of rough, wicked men for misbehaving in church. After he returned home they sent him word that if he returned to fill his next appointment they would take him out of the pulpit and cowhide him. On Saturday morning in due time Elder Kelly walked into the house of worship with his saddle bags on his arm; he entered the pulpit, and placing his Bible and a pistol on the pulpit before him, he calmly remarked, ” My friends, I have come here not to offend nor molest any man but to preach the gospel of Christ, and with the help of God I expect to accomplish what I came to do.” His would-be assailants though present made no demonstration whatever. After the death of Elder Kelly, Elder Robert T. Anderson was elected pastor, which position he held for a term of thirteen years. Elder Anderson had enjoyed good educational advantages and had quite a reputation as a preacher, and was very successful as a pastor; he was much beloved, and his death which occurred in 1854 was deeply deplored by a large circle of friends. He had been the efficient clerk of the Bethel Association for a number of years.

Elder A. W. Meacham was the successor of Elder Anderson. He commenced his labors as pastor January, 1854. At that time it was the custom of the church to hold an annual election for pastor; for seven successive years Elder Meacham was elected without any opposition. During these seven years 160 persons were added to the church, which was at that time large and prosperous. In 1861 Elder Meacham was again elected by a very large majority, a small faction opposing. This call he promptly declined upon the ground that the church was not united. From January, 1861, to June, 1862, the church had no pastor, a majority preferring Elder Meacham, a faction opposing. In June, 1862, the opposing faction having been reduced to one single member, Elder Meacham was again called and accepted, and served the church as pastor for four successive years, during which time eighty-two members were added to the church. During the fall of 1866 a faction, one of whom was selling whisky, became disaffected toward the pastor, upon which he promptly resigned upon the ground that he would not be the pastor of a church that permitted its members to deal in intoxicating drinks as a beverage. For several years the church was not prosperous though it enjoyed the labors of able and good men: Elder T. G. Keen, D. D., one year, two additions; Elder R. W. Morehead, one year and six months, no additions; Elder R. A. Massey, two years, one accession; Elder S. F. Forgy, one year, and Elder R. W. Buckly, six months, no additions to the church. Elder Buckly resigned, and Elder A. W. Meacham was recalled. The church though not very large (having given letters to members to form three other churches) is united and prosperous, occupying a commodious house of worship, well furnished, situated in a beautiful grove of forest trees.

The first house of worship occupied by this church was a rude log structure situated nine miles west of Hopkinsville, on the south side of the old Eddyville road. The second was a substantial brick, 42×56 feet, located in Belle View, two miles west of their former building. Their present house is wood, 44×56, well finished and neatly furnished. It stands in a grove one-half mile south of Belle View. It has but sixty-five members. Its officers are as follows: A. W. Meacham, Pastor; Ben Bacon, Church Clerk; James White, G. W. Lander, R. H. Wilson, IL H. Bryant, E. A. Stowe, Deacons. Consolation Universalist Church – The following sketch was written for this work by E. Renshaw:

About seventy-five years ago there came into this neighborhood a traveling preacher by the name of William Lowe, whose home was then in Simpson County, Ky. This preacher happened to call at the house of James E. Clark, who was then residing ,in the vicinity where Consolation Church was afterward established, and in conversation the preacher soon discovered the fact that the religious views of Mr. Clark were exactly in unison with his own. The neighbors were soon notified that a new preacher would preach the following evening at Mr. Clark’s house, and it is said that a large congregation, for that clay and time, assembled, and the doctrine promulgated by the new preacher was generally accepted and believed by the hearers. The preacher was requested to leave another appointment, which he readily agreed to. This appointment I am informed embraced the third Sunday in May, 1819, when a church organization was regularly established. The first person who joined was James C. Clark, the next was Hannah, his wife; then Anna Clark, wife of Lemuel Clark, also John Keys and Ursula, his wife; Samuel Underwood and Tabitha, his wife; Thomas Fruit and wife, William Henderson, T. B. Pool, Jonathan Clark, David T. Jones and others. As the early records of the church have been lost, I only write from memory and the best in-formation I can get. The preacher agreed to visit the church the third Sunday in every third month, which promise he faithfully kept for more than fifteen years, and under his ministration the church continued to grow and prosper. The old man finally wore out, sickened and died. To say that Father Lowe was a good man is not saying enough; he was a righteous man and a Christian in every sense of the word. ” Blessed are they that die in the Lord, for their good works do follow them,” and here I must mention one little incident in his life: Once when he was down here preaching he was riding a horse that did not exactly suit him, and old brother Thomas Fruit told him that he would swap with him, and let him have a horse that would suit him better. The trade was consummated by Fruit giving Lowe $10 to boot, and when he (Lowe) came back he went to Fruit and said: ” Brother Fruit, I am not satisfied with my horse swap with you.” Fruit asked what was the matter. Lowe said: I have got a horse that suits me better than the one did that I let you have, and now this $10 bill is not mine, and you must take it back.” Whereupon Fruit remonstrated and told him it was fair trading. Lowe said: ” Take it; my conscience will condemn me if I keep it.”

Then it was that Joab Clark, being deeply imbued with the doctrine of God’s imparted grace, took upon himself the cross and became a preacher of the doctrine of universal salvation. The people in the neighborhood of all sects and denominations turned out in mass and built a log meeting-house, 24×28 feet. This was about forty-nine or fifty years ago, and after some little parley about a name it was agreed to call it Consolation. It is situated about thirteen miles northwest from Hopkinsville, immediately on the Buttermilk road. At this house Joab Clark continued to preach for about forty-eight years, and never would accept one cent for his services.

During this long period we were frequently visited and had the services of the following preachers: L. T. Brasher, W. G. Bobbitt, T. B. Pool, William Curry, Stellyard Scott, D. M. Wooldridge, Thomas Abbott, J. E. McCord, Dr. Medley, W. E. McCord, L. F. Andrews, G. W. Burruss, L. M. Pope, and Marcus Scott. The church, however, is now in rather a forlorn condition. Since the death of the Rev. Joab Clark we have had no regular preaching. Consequently a great many of the members have become cold, careless or lukewarm; some have died, others have moved off, speculation and the hope of worldly gain has seized others.

Among the Methodist Churches in this part of the county may be mentioned the Cave Spring Church, Mount Carmel and Pleasant Green. About the most flourishing Baptist Church to be found is that known as the Sinking Fork Baptist Church on the Princeton road about six miles from Hopkinsville. The building is of brick, about 40×50 feet, and is of good finish both inside and out. It has a present membership of about 160. There are other churches of this denomination and of the old Baptist as well, but we have not been able to gather anything of their history.

The Reformers or Christians had a church at Harmony Grove organized 1873 by Elders Robert Dulin and V. M. Metcalf, with about fifty members, but about three years afterward it was burned down. Since that time they have been worshiping at Hardy’s Schoolhouse or in private houses. Their new house which is being erected on the site of the old is now nearly completed, and when finished will give them a comfortable as well as commodious house in which to worship. Their present member-ship is about the same as when organized. Among those who have preached for them are Elders Davis, Hester and White. At present they have no pastor.

The most considerable and important town in the three precincts is Crofton, in Scates’ Mill, on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. It is of modern date, having been founded in 1871 by Mr. J. E. Croft, but already numbers some 300 or 350 inhabitants. As a business and educational point it is of much importance to that part of the county. it has twelve stores, comprising dry goods, grocery and drug stores, one large flouring mill, the Crofton Merchant and Custom Mill, and two or more blacksmith shops.

Its educational institutions are said to be excellent of their kind, and are three in number. The Male and Female Academy, taught by Prof. Ingraham and Mrs. Kate Yeargin, is the principal of these, and numbers an average attendance of some thirty or forty pupils. The building is a large, two-story frame, 30×60 feet, and is furnished throughout with patent folding desks.

Miss Leah Boxley’s private school has an average attendance of between twenty and twenty-five pupils. The public school taught by Mrs. Hancock has some eighteen or twenty pupils. Besides some fifty residences there is one church, Methodist Episcopal Church South, three tobacco warehouses, handling something near one million pounds per year, one pork-packing establishment, a post office, express office and a telegraph office. The town is well supplied with physicians, there being four to look after the health of the community.

There are a few other unimportant villages, cross-road stores, etc., scattered throughout this portion of the county, but they are not deemed of sufficient importance to require extended mention.


Perrin, William Henry, ed., Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky, Historical and Biographical, Chicago : F. A. Battey Publishing Co., 1884.

1 thought on “Bainbridge, Hamby, and Scates’ Mill Precincts”

  1. Thank you for this lovely article! My third great grandfather, James Alexander, is one of those Alexanders from the Scate’s Mill area.


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