Casky Grange N. 38, Patrons of Husbandry

The following sketch of Casky Grange, No. 38, Patrons of Husbandry, was furnished for this work by Mr. Winston Henry. We give it in full:

“This Grange was granted a charter on November 4, 1873, and, as its number indicates, was one of the first in the State-the first one organized in Christian County. The charter members were the following: J. H. B. Vaughan, Winston Henry, S. G. Buckner, W. T. Radford, J. H. Lander, E. W. C. Edwards, Dr. J. P. Peyton, D. M. Whitaker, Alex Campbell, James W. Fields, D. B. Bronaugh, Josiah Gray, Dr. E. R. Cook, L. Bowles, Edgar Bradshaw, James T. Garnett, Thomas Green, Mrs. S. H. Vaughan, Mrs. Mary B. Henry, Mrs. S. G. Buckner, Mrs. W. T. Radford, Mrs. S. H. Peyton, Mrs. E. W. C. Edwards, Mrs. Edgar Bradshaw and Miss Lyda Garnett. On December 19, 1873, an election was held for officers to serve during 1874, and Thomas Green was chosen Master; S. G. Buckner, Overseer; Alex Campbell, Lecturer; D. B. Bronaugh, Steward; Edgar Bradshaw, Assistant Steward; James T. Garnett, Chaplain; Winston Henry, Treasurer; Dr. J. P. Peyton, Secretary; J. H. Lander, Gatekeeper; Mrs. Peyton, Ceres; Mrs. Buckner, Pomona; Mrs. Radford, Flora; and Miss Lyda Garnett, Lady Assistant Steward.

“The year 1874 should be known in history as the Grange year. A regular boom was given the order. The entire time of the meetings was consumed in initiating members. Men and women did not wait to be persuaded, but rushed into the Grange without proper consideration; seeming to think that once within its gates all would be well. Sad disappointment awaited many farmers who had bright hopes of finding within the Grange a sure remedy for all the ills that farmers are heir to, forgetting that long years ago the first granger was informed that ‘ In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,’ and when they discovered that the Grange was powerless to remove this stubborn fact, they became dissatisfied. During the fall of 1873 and spring of 1874 nineteen Granges were organized in Christian County. The membership of Casky Grange increased very rapidly, and at the end of the year 1874 numbered about one hundred. The next year it began to decline, and in the fall of 1877 it had ceased to exist as a working Grange. The charter, seal and books were not returned to the State Grange, and after being dormant for several years was re-organized on January 11, 1881. Thomas Green was again elected Master, as on the first election; Otho Graves was elected Overseer; G. V. Green, Lecturer; E. W. Walker, Steward; Edgar Bradshaw, Assistant Steward; R. F. Rives, Chaplain; D. M. Whitaker, Treasurer; Winston Henry, Secretary; G. W. Bowles, Gatekeeper; Mrs. Sue Peyton, Ceres; Mrs. E. W. C. Edwards, Pomona; Mrs. James M. Clark, Flora; and Mrs. T. L. Graham, Stewardess. Twenty-five of the old members went into the re-organization, and the membership has increased to about one hundred. During the summer of 1883 a lot was purchased and a substantial hall erected; size of the building is twenty-eight feet wide by forty long, with ante-rooms; the cost of lot and building was about $900.

“Casky Grange is located in one of the finest farming sections of Christian County, and embraces among its members the best class of farmers. There may be mentioned Mr. W. T. Radford. He is thought to be the largest wheat-grower in the State, his crop amounting some years to 15,000 bushels. Mr. R. F. Rives is a very enterprising granger; he makes wheat a specialty, and he is highly successful; has raised an average of twenty-six bushels per acre on 150 acres; this includes about forty acres of corn land. The Garrotts, the Bradshaws, Thomas Green, E. W. Walker, J. M. Clark, Treasurer of the State Grange, and many others might be mentioned as owners of splendid farms, and grangers of great enterprise. Lyman McCombs, J. C. Boxley, Thomas L. Graham and others are establishing fine herds of short-horns. George V. Green owns a beautiful farm, splendidly improved, near Hopkinsville, and is the owner of as fine a herd of Jerseys as can be found in Kentucky.

“The first stock and wool sale was held on June 7, 1883, and was a great success. About 225 head of stock, mostly cattle, and about 8,000 pounds of wool were sold. The amount of sale was over $7,000. These sales will be annual, and will be held hereafter on the last Thursday in May. The meetings of the Grange are held on the first and third Friday in each month. The officers for 1884 are: R. F. Rives, Master; Ed W. Walker, Overseer; Thomas Green, Lecturer; J. C. Boxley; Chaplain; J. J. Stuart, Steward; Walter Warfield, Assistant Steward; D. M. Whitaker, Treasurer; Winston Henry, Secretary; G. W. Bowles, Gate-keeper; Mrs. Sue H. Peyton, Ceres; Mrs. E. W. C. Edwards, Pomona; Mrs. J. M. Clark, Flora; Mrs. T. L. Graham, Stewardess.”


Perrin, William Henry, ed., Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky, Historical and Biographical, Chicago : F. A. Battey Publishing Co., 1884.

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