Wilson Precinct, Christian County, Kentucky

Simultaneous with the settlement of the others, emigrants from the Carolinas and elsewhere moved into the Wilson Precinct. Among the first were the Murphys, Pitzers, Johnsons, etc. The latter came with Samuel Johnson, the father, from South Carolina in 1800 or thereabouts, and settled on the Blue Lick Fork of Pond River.

Francis Pennington and several brothers came from one of the Carolinas to the county in 1800. Later on, he moved to the place now owned by Mrs. Pennington, on the West Fork of Pond River, where he passed the remainder of his life. All the other brothers left the county at an early day. Nathaniel Grace, a man by the name of Murphy, Collier, Butler, Willis Murdock, Henry Myers, and another family by the name of Wells, came about the same time as the Murphys, Pitzers, etc. Squire Benjamin Lacy, it is thought, came even earlier. His sons were named David, Luke and Ben. Jordan Bass came from South Carolina about the beginning of the century also, but passed on further up into the Stewart Precinct. He was an Old Baptist,” or Hard-shell, and it is related of him that he would violate the proprieties by taking a little too much tea” occasionally. This sorely afflicted some of his brethren, who though rather fond of the article themselves were too conscientious or too circumspect to indulge to excess in public. On one occasion Bass got flagrantly drunk, and a consultation of his brethren was called. It was decided that brother Solomon should go and expostulate with him in the name of the church, and then report back at the next meeting. Solomon went, and was received by his erring brother with so profuse a hospitality that he himself had to be helped on his “nag” when he started to return. At the next meeting he reported favorably on the case, and assured his brethren the offender was duly penitent and would never again repeat the offense. But unfortunately for the assurance the offense was repeated again, and very soon; and this time a brother James was sent to expostulate. Again Bass was delighted to see his brother co-worker, and again set about to practice the same wiles on him. Mrs. Bass comprehending the situation hurried up her dinner in order, if possible, to prevent the catastrophe, but Bass ordered her to desist, which, like a dutiful spouse, she reluctantly did. The result was that e’er the usual dinner-hour arrived, Bass had so plied him with the blandishments of his ” five years old ” that he had to be helped to bed rather than the table. Bass afterward joined the Free-Will Baptists, and did better; but at the time refused to make any promises, saying he might break his promise, and then that would make him a liar as well-he hated drunkards, but he hated liars most. He had two sons-Sion and ” Doctor” Joe, and several daughters. Aside from his weakness, he is said to have been a very good man.


Perrin, William Henry, ed., Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky, Historical and Biographical, Chicago : F. A. Battey Publishing Co., 1884.

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