Biography of Benjamin F. Bedford

Benjamin F. Bedford, farmer and stock raiser; P. O. Paris; the proprietor of “Sweet Valley” farm; was born August 23d, 1830, in this precinct, on the farm now owned by John T. Woodford. The father of our subject was Benjamin Colman Bedford; he married Caroline B. Moran, daughter of Edward B. and Letitia (Clay) Moran, both natives of Bourbon County. The father of our subject was born Aug. 17th, 1807, on the farm now owned by Mrs. Patsey Clay, which was first settled by Littleberry Bedford, the grandfather of Benjamin F. Two children were born to Benjamin C. Bedford and wife, of whom Benjamin is the eldest: Edward L., the younger brother, died in his 19th year. Benjamin C. was twice married; his second wife was Ann M. Garrard, born in this precinct, daughter of Gen. James Garrard. This union was crowned with four sons and two daughters, viz: Jephthah T., James, Thomas, Alpheus L., Nancy and Margaret; of the above, Jephthah and Thomas reside in Missouri; Alpheus located in Texas; James died, aged nineteen; both the girls reside in Illinois, Mason County; Margaret married J. H. Pickrell, a prominent farmer and short-horn man; Nancy resides in Harristown, wife of Dr. J. L. Conelly. After the marriage of Benjamin C. Bedford, he located on the farm adjoining the homestead, where he remained but a short time, when he removed near Paris on the Houston, to a place settled by Johnnie Hamilton. Here he lived until 1865, when he located in Monroe County, Missouri, but remained there but two years, then moved to Harristown, Illinois, where he spent the remainder of his days, passing to his rest in 1877, having for many years been a consistent member of the Christian Church; was received into the church by Elder John A. Gano; and a member of the Masonic Order. He was for many years engaged in raising blooded stock and encouraged by example and precept the growth and propagation of short-horn cattle. In 1833, by the death of his mother, Benjamin F. was left motherless at an early age. At the age of nineteen he embarked in business upon his own account; several of his boyhood years being spent with G. M. Moran, afterward making his home at his father’s. Sept. 6th, 1859, he formed a matrimonial alliance with Bettie Evans, born in Athens Precinct, Fayette County, daughter of Silas and Parmelia (Quisenberry), both natives of Kentucky. Silas was a son of Richard and Sarah Pullum. Ten children were born to Silas Evans, of whom eight grew to maturity. Silas Evans was born Sept. 4th, 1820, and died 1878, April 11th; his wife was born 1819, died Sept. 28th, 1858; both were members of the Baptist Church. Since 1859 Mr. Bedford has been a resident of the farm he now owns, consisting of 392 acres; original settler was Washington Kennedy. Mr. Bedford, since 1860, has been engaged in the breeding and growth of shorthorns, of which he has a large herd. Has four children, Carrie M., Silas E., Richard E. and Benjamin F.

Source: Perrin, William Henry. History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, Kentucky. Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., 1882.

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