Biography of Rezin A. Scobee

Rezin A. Scobee, a prominent and successful farmer and stock-raiser of Clark County, KY., was born in that county, September 9, 1839, and is a son of Robert and Emily (Pendleton) Scobee. He was educated in the common schools, and with the exception of five years spent in Montgomery County, has been engaged in farming and stock-raising in his native county. He was formerly a stock-trader, shipping cattle and driving mules South. He still deals in stock to some extent. October 31, 1861, he married Miss Sarah R. King, of Clark County, daughter of John P. and Mary (Taul) King. One child has blessed this union, viz: Anna J., who married Frank Miller, and had three children, of whom two are living, Rezin S. and Lizzie. Mrs. Sarah R. Scobee, born March 26, 1844, died at four o’clock Sunday morning, July 22, 1877, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Grandfather Rice Pendleton was born in Clark County, KY in 1792. His father was named Rice Pendleton, and came to Kentucky from Virginia in 1790 or 1791, and was among the earliest settlers of Clark County; his wife was a Quisenberry. Grandmother Pendleton was a Judy, a daughter of Martin Judy, who was one of the earliest settlers of Clark County. Grandfather Rice Pendleton had four children born to him, viz: Elizabeth, wife of George Hardman, born October 26, 1817, and died May 7, 1866; Emily, wife of Robert Scobee, was born November 7, 1819, married October 20, 1836 and died August 6, 1845; Lucy Ann was born August 14, 1827, and May 14, 1846, married Robert Scobee; she died December 22, 1854; D.J. Pendleton is now county surveyor of Clark County, which office he has held for seventeen years. Rice Pendleton was married three times. His first wife was Mrs. Elizabeth Constant, nee Judy, who died January 27, 1844, in the fifty-seventy year of her age. She had two children by her former husband, viz: Rezin Constant and Ann Constant, the latter of whom married a Strode. Rice Pendleton’s second wife was Miss Kate Ragan, who had no children, and died August 19, 1861, in her sixty-fifth year. Rice Pendleton married his third wife, Mrs. Betsey Mitchell, in December, 1861. She had two children previous to her marriage to Mr. Pendleton, viz: Benjamin and Will, and is still living. Rice Pendleton died January 17, 1867, in the seventy-fourth year of his age.

Robert Scobee, father of Rezin A., was born November 29, 1816, and died April 26, 1882, aged sixty-five years, four months and twenty-seven days. He was married three times; his first wife was Emily Pendleton to whom he was married October 20, 1836, and by whom were born to him one son and one daughter, viz; Elizabeth Ann, born December 28, 1837, and Rezin A. Elizabeth Ann was twice married; first to H.J. Benton, January 8, 1856, by whom she had four children, Susan Ann, Cleo, Willie H., and Emma. She next married Rev. J.W. Fitch, by whom she had four children, viz: Robert Owen, Rosa, Edward and Joseph. Robert Scobee was married to his second wife, Lucy Ann Pendleton, a sister of his first wife, May 14, 1846, by whom he had five children, three sons and two daughters, viz: Rice P.T. Scobee, born June 23, 1847; Kate Scobee, now the wife of J.G. Morris, of Missouri, born March 25, 1849; Emma A. Scobee, wife of J.W. Barnhill, of Marshall, MO., was born February 25, 1851; James W. Scobee, born December 24, 1852: Robert S. Scobee, was born December 10, 1854. Robert Scobee’s third wife was Mrs. Sarah H. Tanner, nee Hedric, to whom he was married December 8, 1857; they had no children.

Robert Scobee, grandfather of Rezin A., came from Virginia at an early day; he died October 30, 1835, being sixty years and eight months old at the time of his death. he was a farmer, a merchant, operated a distillery, and raised a large family of children, sons and daughters, viz: William, the only son now living; Stephen, who died in Missouri several years ago, leaving a large family; John, who preached some, also died in Missouri leaving a large family; George, who died in St. Louis, having married a Dooley; he left one son and several daughters; Christee, who died in Henry County, KY., in 1885, leaving two daughters and five sons; Robert Samuel, the younest, died in Shelby County, KY., in 1885 or 1886; Hannah, who married a Mr. Grimes, of Bourbon County, KY; Becca married Jabez Dooley, of Clark County, KY; and James, who died when he was just grown, some sixty years ago or more. The mother of this large family and wife of Robert Scobee, grandfather of our subject, was a Dutch woman named Elizabeth Brohard, whose father was killed in Bonaparte’s army.

The great-grandfather of Rezan A. Scobee was a weaver by trade, and came to this country from Scotland or Wales, and wove three years for his passage across the ocean. Grandmother Scobee died January 1, 1864, aged sixty-nine years. October 30, 1883, Rezan A. Scobee married Miss Mollie Evans, of Clark County, a daughter of Oliver P. and Elizabeth (Fletcher) Evans. Mrs. Scobee is a member of the Baptist Church, while Mr. Scobee is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He owns 200 acres of fine land and is a Democrat in politics.


Perrin, W.H., Battle, J.H., & Kniffin, G.C. Kentucky: A History of the State. Eighth Edition. Originally produced in 1888 by F.A. Battey and Company in Louisville, Ky. and Chicago, Ill. Reproduced from the original edition with new copyright material in 1979 and reprinted in 1991 by The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.

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