Biography of R. S. Scobee

R. S. Scobee, a native of Clark County, KY., was born December 10, 1854, and is the youngest of a family of five children born to Robert and Lucy (Pendleton) Scobee. Robert Scobee, also a native of Clark County, was an enterprising farmer who devoted the whole of his life to agricultural pursuits; he was a son of Robert Scobee, who was a miller, distiller and farmer. Mrs. Lucy Scobee was born in Clark County, KY., a daughter of Rice Pendleton. R. S. Scobee was reared on a farm and received a common school education; he chose farming for an occupation and has always been engaged in that pursuit, devoting considerable time to stock-raising. He is largely interested in threshing machines and threshes more wheat every year than any other one man in the state of Kentucky, having a reputation for honesty and fair dealing with his patrons. In farming he makes a specialty of raising wheat. December 14, 1876, he married Miss Dee Bratton, of Clark County, a daughter of David and Sallie A. (Evans) Bratton. to this union have been born two children: Davis S., born October 10, 1877, and Robert H., born June 19, 1879. Mr. Scobee and his wife are strict members of the Methodist Episcopal Church south. He owns 250 acres of fine land and is a Democrat in politics. Mr. Scobee is held in high esteem at home and by those who know him most intimately throughout the state.


Perrin, W.H., Battle, J.H., & Kniffin, G.C. Kentucky: A History of the State. Eighth Edition. Originally produced in 1888 by F.A. Battey and Company in Louisville, Ky. and Chicago, Ill. Reproduced from the original edition with new copyright material in 1979 and reprinted in 1991 by The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.

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