Biography of Asa Colman Bedford

Asa Colman Bedford, deceased, was born in Bourbon County, son of Archie Bedford, whose wife was a Miss Clay. Asa Colman Bedford was thrice married; first to Susan Burns, second time to Lucinda Hedges; his third wife was a Mrs. Hawkins. The only child by his second wife was Mary Kate, now the wife of Felix Lowry of this precinct. She was born in Middletown Precinct in 1847, her mother died young; she was reared by her stepmother. July 14, 1870, she married Mr. Lowry, son of Dr. George G. and Nancy (Bruce) Lowry, of Fleming County, formerly of Virginia. After the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lowry, they resided about two years in Fleming, afterward removed to this county, where they have about 200 acres of land, removing on the same in December 1875. They have two children, Lucy and Kate.

Source: Perrin, William Henry. History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, Kentucky. Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., 1882.

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