Will of Samuel Allison, 1826

I Samuel Allison of the County of Muhlenberg being of Sound mind & memory do make & ordain this my last will & testament.

My will is that my funeral expenses & just debts be first paid out of my personal property.

I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Peggy Allison two acres of land including the dwelling house whereon I now live & the other out houses & the use of a sufficiency of timber off the balance of my land for firewood and to keep up the fences around the same, all the feather beds and furniture except those hereafter devised & one negro woman named Prudence during her widowhood. And I give to her absolutely two cows & calves & all the Cupboard & kitchen furniture. I give & bequeath to my son William D. Allison one feather bed & furniture.

I give & bequeath to my Son Young E. Allison one feather bed & furniture.

I give & bequeath to my two Sons John A. Allison & Samuel Hendley Allison all my real estate to be equally divided between them to them & their heirs forever. I given & bequeath the negro woman willed to my wife & her increase after the widowhood or death of my wife.

I give to my son Samuel Hendley Allison two negro boys one named Lewis the other named Cate. I give & bequeath to my daughter Nancy Jackson one negro boy named Jack.

The balance of my personal property that remains undisposed of my will is that it be equally divided between my two sons John & Hendly.

And my will is that my land be so divided as to give my son John half off of the west side including the house & Samuel part of the east so as to include the old barn.

I do hereby appoint Ephraim M. Brank sole executor of this my last will & testament & I do hereby revoke all & every other will heretofore made by me in testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand & seal this 8th day of August 1826.

Saml Allison {seal}

Alney McLean
Richard D. Reynolds

Muhlenberg Will Book 2, pages 403-404
Muhlenberg Will Book 2, pages 403-404


Muhlenberg Wills, Book 2, page 403-404.

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