Biography of Lloyd Ashurst

Lloyd Ashurst, farmer; P. O. Paris; was born July 13, 1840, in Bourbon County, and is the son of William and Isabella (Petty) Ashurst; he was a farmer, as was his father and grandfather, the former a native of Bourbon County, and the son of Josiah Ashurst, who was born in Virginia. Our subject was married in 1863 to Miss Nannie E. Penn, daughter of Joseph Penn, of Bourbon County. They are the parents of eight children, viz: Anna Bell, Lulu, Willie, Lottie Maude, George M, Tice and Charles. Mr. Ashurst is the owner of 175 acres of finely improved land, which he farms in a general way, besides devoting some of his time to fine short horn cattle. Politically, he is a Democrat, never having voted and other ticket. He is an Elder in the Christian Church of which he is a member and is a friend to all educational and religious enterprises.

Source: Perrin, William Henry. History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, Kentucky. Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., 1882.

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